6 Excuses For Not Going to Rehab and How to Overcome Them.

For many people, going to a treatment centre is the first step on the path toward recovery. But taking that first step can be the most challenging. If you find yourself wondering, “Do I need to go to rehab?” or telling yourself, “I don’t want to go to rehab,” you might have a list of reasons not to go. Your reasons for not going to rehab might seem sound to you. But there are many ways to work past them and realise signing up for inpatient treatment or outpatient programs is the best option for you.

See if you’ve used any of these excuses for not going to rehab and learn how to overcome them:

1. I don’t have an addiction.

Even as you see the risks of continuing to misuse drugs or alcohol and the effects it has, you might not be ready to admit you need help to stop. Often, recognising that you are struggling with substance use is the first step toward getting help. It’s usually the first phase in a 12-step program, for example. Even if you are aware of substance use’s effects, you might still tell yourself you don’t have a problem due to stigma or fear of being judged or looked down on. It’s important to recognise the misuse of substances doesn’t reflect who you are as a person or your character. Having a substance use disorder or struggling to quit using doesn’t make you a “bad person.” Being ready and able to get help for the disorder means you’re ready to get your life back on track.

2. I need to stay home for my family or job.

Sometimes the reasons not to go to rehab are of a more practical nature. If you have young children at home, you might be concerned about who will care for them while you complete an inpatient program. You might worry that you’ll be let go from your job if you take several weeks off for treatment. Although going into rehab will mean you need to spend time away from your children or other family members, in the long run, getting help lets you spend more time with them. When you aren’t using, you’ll be able to focus on your children and attend to their needs fully. As far as your job goes, the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) allows you to take leave from work for up to 12 weeks to get treatment for a substance use disorder. Under the FMLA, your employer can’t let you go or otherwise take action against you if you decide to take medical leave to get treatment for substance use disorder. You can also consider outpatient programs that still provide a continuum of care and services.

3. I can do it on my own.

Being self-sufficient and independent can seem like the way you should be doing things. It’s often considered admirable to overcome challenges and struggles on your own. But, at the same time, it’s also admirable and heroic to recognise when you need help and to reach out and ask for it. If you’ve already tried several times to stop misusing drugs or alcohol on your own, now might be the ideal time to grab the lifeline that’s being offered to you. Seeking out professional medical treatment can be what helps you address your addiction.

4. Rehab costs too much money.

Going to an inpatient treatment centre does have costs. You’ll be paying for the treatment itself, as well as for room and board while you stay at the treatment centre. But paying for substance use is also expensive. There’s the financial cost of the drugs or alcohol, plus the social cost of consequences, such as losing your job or custody of your children.

5. I just need to do…. first.

If you’re telling yourself you need to do or finish something before starting treatment for substance use disorder, you’re likely to always find something you need to do before you can go. One way to move past the “after” or “I need to do” excuse is to remind yourself you’ll have the rest of your life to accomplish what you want to do once you complete treatment. Instead of saying you need to do something before you go to a treatment centre, make a list of all the things you’ll have the time and money to do once you complete a treatment program. It can also be helpful to think about how you’ll be better able to do things, such as travel, finish a degree program or learn a musical instrument, when you’re no longer using.

6. Rehab doesn’t work.

You’ve probably heard stories of people going in and out of treatment for substance use disorders. The media likes to tell vivid tales of celebrities who are struggling with their own substance use issues. Or you might have friends or relatives who went to a treatment centre and relapsed years or months later. Remember that just because someone else struggled with relapse doesn’t mean you will. It’s also important to remember that if you relapse after getting treatment, it doesn’t mean you failed or that the treatment wasn’t successful. It just means you need to try again. Getting help now is better than avoiding help because you worry it won’t be a success.

At UK Detox we work with a wide range of rehabilitation facilities and detox centres around the country to suit your needs and circumstances and provide home detox’s. We are a premier service with an extremely high success rate, offering addicts the opportunity to get clean and sober and live a successful life. We are living proof that it is achievable and now we are here to help you on your journey into recovery. Change your story, change your life.


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